Personalize your supplement and reach 100% of your potential. Everything you need for your sport, tailored to you and encapsulated in one sachet.
Spersonalizuj swój suplement i osiągnij 100% swojego potencjału.
We are the first company in Europe to create personalized supplements strictly for athletes that comply with World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rules.

AVG. 4.8

(6 reviews)

Reviews (AVG 4.8)
Tomasz K.

added 01.07.2024
added 01.07.2024

Produkty najlepszy w swojej klasie. Jako ambitny amator czuje, że lepiej się regeneruje i w końcu ktoś rozsądnie podszedł do mojej suplementacji, czuję, że ma sens to co robię. Jedna gwiazdka mniej za długi czas oczekiwania.
Igor K.

added 23.06.2024
added 23.06.2024

Daje 5/5
Tomek Kot

added 23.06.2024
added 23.06.2024

Korzyści czasowe z tej współpracy przeszły moje oczekiwania.
Piotr Kil

added 23.06.2024
added 23.06.2024

Mega łatwy proces zamówienia.
Adrian Jankowski

added 23.06.2024
added 23.06.2024

Świetny suplement, polecam!
Stanisław Wilkowski

added 17.06.2024
added 17.06.2024

bardzo wygodna formuła, dobre smaki, polecam każdemu, kto myśli o sporcie trochę poważniej
1. Tell us about yourself and your goals
Start personalizing – solve a test to tailor supplementation to your training and sports goals.2. We will create your tailor-made supplement
We will develop a closed in 1 sachet formula tailored to your requirements and needs.3. Subscription or one-time purchase
Order a single box of 30 sachets for 30 days or start a monthly subscription. We will deliver the package right to your door.4. Expert support and care
We support you throughout the ordering process – from providing reliable information to the care of a qualified sports nutritionist.5. Your plan, your choices
Control your subscription – modify, pause or cancel at any time, at no extra charge.FULL POWER. DISCOVER HOW MUCH MORE YOU CAN ACHIEVE
One sachet for each day. Protein. Vitamins. Performance supplements. Join our 30-day subscription and see how far you can go with a daily dose of ALPHA.
AVG 4.8

The posted reviews, unchanged, are from verified users of our products.

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Tomasz K.

dodana 01.07.2024
dodana 01.07.2024

Produkty najlepszy w swojej klasie. Jako ambitny amator czuje, że lepiej się regeneruje i w końcu ktoś rozsądnie podszedł do mojej suplementacji, czuję, że ma sens to co robię. Jedna gwiazdka mniej za długi czas oczekiwania.
Igor K.

dodana 23.06.2024
dodana 23.06.2024

Daje 5/5
Tomek Kot

dodana 23.06.2024
dodana 23.06.2024

Korzyści czasowe z tej współpracy przeszły moje oczekiwania.
Piotr Kil

dodana 23.06.2024
dodana 23.06.2024

Mega łatwy proces zamówienia.
Adrian Jankowski

dodana 23.06.2024
dodana 23.06.2024

Świetny suplement, polecam!
Stanisław Wilkowski

dodana 17.06.2024
dodana 17.06.2024

bardzo wygodna formuła, dobre smaki, polecam każdemu, kto myśli o sporcie trochę poważniej

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AVG 5.0

Zamieszczone opinie w niezmienionej formie pochodzą od zweryfikowanych użytkowników naszych produktów.

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Jan Kowalski
AVG 5.0

dodana 01.01.2024
dodana 01.01.2024
AVG 5.0

Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Jan Kowalski
AVG 5.0

dodana 01.01.2024
dodana 01.01.2024
AVG 5.0

Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Jan Kowalski
AVG 5.0

dodana 01.01.2024
dodana 01.01.2024
AVG 5.0

Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Jan Kowalski
AVG 5.0

dodana 01.01.2024
dodana 01.01.2024
AVG 5.0

Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Anna Kowalska
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Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
We base production on a philosophy of three foundations. Every element of our supplements - protein, performance supplements, and vitamins and probiotics - is designed to support you on your path to excellence, regardless of your sport.

Performance supplements
Sports can sometimes be a competition for the “tip of the nose.” Being first across the finish line often means getting everything. That's why we go to great lengths to help you outperform your competitors. We use only active ingredients with proven effectiveness in sports, recognized by leading sports organizations, approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and tested for safety by...
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renowned scientific centers around the world. Our palette of ingredients includes creatine, beta-alanine, natural polyphenols, carnitine, nitrates, and these are just a few. Once we know your goals, we will advise which ingredients will be most suitable for you. The final decision always remains with you.
Vitamins and probiotics
Sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine play a key role in regulating your body's water and electrolyte balance. Probiotics affect the absorption of other nutrients. Vitamin C increases iron absorption, omega acids protect muscles. Are you planning to train at altitudes above 2,000 sqm or in high temperatures? Are you in the process of losing weight...
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Or are you about to have the most important start of the season? Have you excluded dairy or fish from your diet? We know what to do in these situations and will make sure your supplement gives you everything you need.
A key ingredient for any athlete, essential for building strength and endurance. At Alpha, we understand this like no one else. You'll get the highest biological value of protein with a complete set of essential amino acids.
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We will determine the optimal dosage and frequency of intake so that you can effectively build muscle, recover efficiently and perform better than ever before.
We base production on a philosophy of three foundations. Every element of our supplements - protein, performance supplements, and vitamins and probiotics - is designed to support you on your path to excellence, regardless of your sport.

Performance supplements
Sports can sometimes be a competition for the “tip of the nose.” Being first across the finish line often means getting everything. That's why we go to great lengths to help you outperform your competitors. We use only active ingredients with proven effectiveness in sports, recognized by leading sports organizations, approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and tested for safety by the...
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renowned scientific centers around the world. Our palette of ingredients includes creatine, beta-alanine, natural polyphenols, carnitine, nitrates, and these are just a few. Once we know your goals, we will advise which ingredients will be most suitable for you. The final decision always remains with you.
Vitamins and probiotics
Sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine play a key role in regulating your body"s water and electrolyte balance. Probiotics affect the absorption of other nutrients. Vitamin C increases iron absorption, omega acids protect muscles. Are you planning to train at altitudes above 2,000 sqm or in high temperatures? Are you in the process of losing weight...
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Or are you about to have the most important start of the season? Have you excluded dairy or fish from your diet? We know what to do in these situations and will make sure your supplement gives you everything you need.
A key ingredient for any athlete, essential for building strength and endurance. At Alpha, we understand this like no one else. You'll get the highest biological value of protein with a complete set of essential amino acids.
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We will determine the optimal dosage and frequency of intake so that you can effectively build muscle, recover efficiently and perform better than ever before.
Produkcję opieramy na filozofii trzech fundamentów. Każdy element naszych suplementów – białko, suplementy wydolnościowe oraz witaminy i probiotyki – został zaprojektowany, aby wspierać Cię na drodze do doskonałości, bez względu na sportową dyscyplinę.
Kluczowy składnik dla każdego sportowca, niezbędny do budowy siły i wytrzymałości. W Alpha rozumiemy to jak nikt inny. Otrzymasz najwyższą biologiczną wartość białka z kompletem niezbędnych aminokwasów.
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Ustalimy optymalne dawkowanie i częstotliwość przyjmowania, abyś mógł skutecznie budować mięśnie, efektywnie się regenerować i osiągać lepsze wyniki niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej.
Suplementy wydajnościowe
Sport bywa rywalizacją o “czubek nosa”. Bycie pierwszym na mecie często oznacza zdobycie wszystkiego. Dlatego dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby pomóc Ci wyprzedzić konkurentów. Stosujemy wyłącznie aktywne składniki o potwierdzonej efektywności w sporcie, uznane przez czołowe organizacje sportowe, dopuszczone przez Światową Agencję Antydopingową (WADA) i testowane pod kątem bezpieczeństwa przez...
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renomowane ośrodki naukowe na całym świecie. Do naszej palety składników należą kreatyna, beta-alanina, naturalne polifenole, karnityna, azotany, a to tylko niektóre z nich. Po poznaniu Twoich celów, doradzimy, które składniki będą dla Ciebie najbardziej odpowiednie. Ostateczna decyzja zawsze pozostaje po Twojej stronie.
Witaminy i probiotyki
Sód, potas, wapń, chlor odgrywają kluczową rolę w regulacji gospodarki wodno-elektrolitowej Twojego organizmu. Probiotyki wpływają na przyswajalność innych składników odżywczych. Witamina C zwiększa wchłanialność żelaza, kwasy omega chronią mięśnie. Planujesz treningi na wysokości powyżej 2000 mkw lub w wysokich temperaturach? Jesteś w procesie utraty wagi,...
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albo wkrótce masz najważniejszy start sezonu? Wykluczyłeś z diety nabiał lub ryby? Wiemy co robić w takich sytuacjach i zadbamy o to, aby Twój suplement dawał Ci wszystko czego potrzebujesz.
I recommend – Anna Świątek
Find out how one sachet of ALPHA
changes the rules of the game.
We have created a unique algorithm to learn about you and your sports expectations. Get ready for personalized solutions that will change the way you think about supplementation.
SOLVE THE TEST AND MAKE A PURCHASEWhat are ALPHA personalized dietary supplements?
Personalized ALPHA dietary supplements are products tailored to the individual needs of athletes. We only use Group A ingredients in our products according to the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) classification, which means these are the ingredients that are recognized as the most effective and safe. .
How is ALPHA different from other companies of its kind?
ALPHA is distinguished by the fact that each product is tailored to the individual athlete's needs, enabling the best possible results. We use only AIS Group A ingredients whose selection, concentration and frequency of intake is determined by scientific evidence. All the ingredients we use are certified by independent research centers.
Because the products are prepared to order, the amount of preservatives and excipients is significantly lower than is the case with supplements with long shelf life.
What benefits will I get from using ALPHA products?
You will minimize the use of supplements, focusing only on those that have been tested for effectiveness, safety, and their use is justified in your sport.
This will allow you to achieve maximum results on your workouts (individual adjustment of nutrients significantly affects performance and muscle recovery), save money that you may have been spending on untested products, and relieve your body of unnecessary ingredients.
What does it mean that the ALPHA dietary supplement is personalized?
In a nutshell, this means that in one sachet you'll find the perfect combination of protein, medically recommended supplements such as iron, calcium, vitamins, probiotics, and performance (ergogenic) supplements such as creatine and betaalanine.
To ensure maximum effectiveness, the composition of each sachet we produce is closely tailored to the needs of the athlete. For example, a person who is deficient or whose diet may be deficient in certain nutrients can receive a sachet containing iron, calcium, probiotics, vitamin D and other minerals tailored to their weight and level of deficiency.
A person whose diet realizes the complex need for these components will receive a supplement containing, for example, a protein nutrient and only ergogenic supplements (those that can improve sports performance), such as creatine or beta alanine. Each client receives individual care from us, and the composition of the product is selected by a specialist for the coming month, after which it is updated.
Why is the Australian Institute of Sport considered an authority in this field?
The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) is a respected scientific body, recognized by major sports federations. It has been conducting research on supplements for years and classifies them based on effectiveness. It is also the most frequently updated classification, which takes into account research findings from recent years rather than relying on evidence from a decade or more ago.
Which means the ingredient is Group A, B, C or D according to the Australian Institute of Sport classification?
Group A ingredients according to the AIS classification are those for which there is the strongest scientific evidence of efficacy and safety when used according to the recommended protocol. The effectiveness of Group A supplements has been confirmed repeatedly in single studies and meta-analyses of studies compiled by the world's top scientists.
Group B are products that have been on the market for a relatively short time, have shown initial promising results, but require additional testing for both safety and efficacy. Group B also includes ingredients that have long been of interest to athletes, but their effectiveness has not been confirmed to date.
Group C are ingredients for which scientific studies do not confirm the effectiveness of use and their use is not recommended by athletes. Interestingly, Group C includes products such as BCAA, HMB and Leucine, for example, which, according to popular opinion, can be considered effective. Group D are ingredients of dubious reputation, which can lead to a positive result during an anti-doping control and pose health risks.
Who interprets the results of the submitted tests?
If you choose to provide us with your blood test results, they will be interpreted by your doctor and nutritionist. Together they will make sure that your supplement is tailored to your current test results, weight, current condition, sport and the goal you want to achieve.
How long will I have to wait for my supplement?
There is a wait of about 2-3 weeks for the first set of supplements, and subsequent supplements are delivered before the current package is completed, but no sooner than 7 days after receiving the test results. .
Why is the supplement packaged in a sachet?
The supplements are packaged in sachets for convenience and regularity of use, which is key to achieving the desired results. Each sachet is prepared for a specific day, and is formulated according to a protocol specified by a nutritionist.
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What is ALPHA?
ALPHA, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, has always symbolized beginning, strength and dominance. For us at ALPHA, it's not just a name. It's a commitment to offering the best, scientifically formulated supplements that support you in your pursuit of your athletic excellence. In the world of sports, as in Greek philosophy, the pursuit of excellence is a constant journey.
“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” - Socrates
Just as ALPHA is the beginning of the alphabet, we are the beginning of your path to better performance, greater strength and better health.

Good Manufacturing Practice are standards to ensure that products are manufactured consistently and controlled to a quality appropriate to their intended use.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point is a preventive system that identifies, evaluates and controls hazards relevant to food safety.

Good Hygienic Practice is a set of procedures to ensure safety and hygiene in the production process. By using GHP, we ensure that our supplements are free of contaminants.

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